The China Crisis on the Pages of Georgian Newspapers


  • Maia Machavariani The University of Georgia



Georgian Press, China's Political Turmoil, Yuan-Shi-Kai, Economic Instability, European Involvement


The article shows how Georgian newspapers discussed the tense political-economical situation in China in 1914. From the article one can clearly see that Georgian newspapers report significantly on existing problems in China and clearly express their attitude towards the processes ongoing there. They do not like the quality of democracy in France and say that it is not high enough; they also did not justify relation of Russia with the regime of Yuan-Shi-Kai (Dictator of China). Authors believe that the big states of Europe fulfilled an important role in negation of constitution and establishing the dictatorial personality of president Yuan-Shi-kai.
Georgian newspapers cover the tense situation that has taken place in China and inform Georgian readers about this; in this way Georgian newspapers first of all fixate their clearly negative attitude towards Japan’s, European countries' and Russia’s intervention into China’s domestic affairs.
In Georgian historiography reveals that the first stages of the First World War and the political orientation towards China in published materials in 1914 regarding the issue, are not yet fully studied and highlighted. Thus this article represents a small attempt at fulfilling the gap.




How to Cite

Machavariani, M. (2014). The China Crisis on the Pages of Georgian Newspapers. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 39–44.



Research papers