Mixed Methodology in the Research of the Concept “Patriotism” in Modern English


  • Tamar Lolishvili The University of Georgia




mixed methodology, associative experiment, “living” word, cognitive signs, linguocultural, lingo cognitive, and semantic analysis


The article deals with the problem of integrating the results obtained through different methods. The mixed methodology is considered to be the most effective method for an in-depth and detailed description of the semantic structure of the word and the conceptual content of the concept. Mixed methodology revealed some hidden associative potential in the words and expressions relating to the concept “patriotism”. This potential was revealed through the experiment in which certain word-stimuli are actualized.
By identifying, generalizing, summarizing, and extracting the connections between word-stimuli and reactions, the combination creating the associative dimension of the concept was formed. The study of the associative dimension of the concept is impossible without considering the correlation between common approaches and trends in linguistics and the humanities. Anthropocentrism, as an approach to the study of language, society, and the human, recognizes the relevance of the study of “living” knowledge. The recognition of the relevance of the study of the “living” knowledge implies the recognition of the necessity of the study of the
possibilities of the research of the essence of the “living” knowledge, as well as the recognition of the necessity of the study of the means of representation of the structures of knowledge and consciousness. The conceptual sphere of the nation is determined by the specifics of the cultural markers that are valid within the premises of the nation’s worldview at a definite stage. Since the dictionary meaning of the word neither reflects the “life” of the word marked by temporal and spatial shifts, determination of the real psychological meaning of the word should involve the analysis of its associative meaning. The necessity of the analysis of the associative meaning of the word determines the relevance of the research.




How to Cite

Lolishvili, T. (2022). Mixed Methodology in the Research of the Concept “Patriotism” in Modern English. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 118–128. https://doi.org/10.62343/cjss.2022.216



Research papers