The Role of the Acceptance Zone in the Psychology of Set


  • Nana Burduli The University of Georgia



Dispositional Attitude, Value Orientations, Assimilative Evaluation, Contrastive Evaluation, Proximity-Distance


The given study has identified the Acceptance Zone as an important attitude dimension.
The Acceptance Zone can measure the conscious acceptability of behaviors, statements, judgments and evaluations related to positions different from the research participant’s position during assessment.
The study shows a statistically significant correlation between an Acceptance Zone and attitude/typological characteristics.
Narrow Acceptance Zone (about 25% of research participants): Extreme and one-sided point of view; low level of acceptance of others’ opinion, low level tolerance (acceptability); high confidence, locus control falling within the mid-range, competitiveness in conflict situation.
Moderately wide Acceptance Zone (about 50% of research participants): higher level of tolerance; intense feeling of self-confidence, social courage, success and inner strength; low intensity of conflicts, compromise/competitiveness and higher level of cooperation in conflict situations.
Wide Acceptance Zone (about 25% of research participants): Moderate and versatile points of view; tolerance; external locus of control, hesitation; low self-confidence and internal conflicts; higher sociability; avoidance behavior in conflict situations.
Acceptance Zone is an important concept for attitude and behavior research. It can be also useful for Theory of Set and in general, for the psychology of Georgia. The Acceptance Zone can be also used for a simple typological-character test. The concept in question can be considered with the development of simple tests measuring personality typology and character traits.




How to Cite

Burduli, N. (2015). The Role of the Acceptance Zone in the Psychology of Set. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1), 209–224.



Research papers