About Manana Sanadze
Dr. Manana Sanadze, Ph.D. in History, is a renowned historian and expert in Oriental Studies. She currently serves as the President of the University of Georgia (UG), Chief Researcher, and Director of the Tamaz Beradze Institute of Georgian Studies. She is also a Full Professor of History at the UG School of Humanities.
Her research focuses on Georgia, the South Caucasus, and the history of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in the Near East. Over the course of her career, she has published around 80 scholarly works, contributing significantly to the understanding of Georgia’s historical narratives.
Academic Background & Research
Dr. Sanadze defended two dissertations at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University:
1979: Candidate’s Dissertation
2002: Doctoral Dissertation
Both of her dissertations were later published as books, solidifying her academic reputation. She started her career as a researcher at TSU, where she made significant contributions to historical studies.
In 1982, Dr. Sanadze was awarded the Tbilisi State University Prize for Young Researchers in recognition of her active and successful scientific work.
Research on "The Georgian Chronicles"
One of Dr. Sanadze’s most notable contributions is her groundbreaking research on "The Georgian Chronicles", a key historical source from the Middle Ages. She has extensively studied:
The authorship, period, and creation date of the Chronicles
Development and textual evolution of the Chronicles
Historical narratives and information presented in medieval Georgian sources
Educational Contributions & Leadership
Dr. Sanadze has played a pivotal role in educational development in Georgia. In 2004, she co-founded The University of Georgia (UG), which has since become the largest and most prestigious private university in the country. As President of UG, she has led initiatives that have advanced higher education, historical research, and academic excellence.
Publications & Research Interests
Georgia and South Caucasia in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Near Eastern History
Textual and Source Analysis of Medieval Georgian Chronicles
Historical Narratives and Their Evolution
Professional Networking & Academic Contributions
Academia.edu: Manana Sanadze
ResearchGate: Manana Sanadze
ORCID ID: 0009-0000-4798-9758
Contact Information
Email: msanadze@ug.edu.ge
Institutional Address: 77a, M. Kostava St., Tbilisi, Georgia